
Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique.

Sofia Manning Best-Selling Author, Founder of Manning Inspire Copenhagen, Denmark

I have met a lot of coaches and being a coach myself I have very high standards for what I think a great coach is. Bodhi is more than a great coach, he is a healer and teacher as well as a brilliant coach. Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with him and highly recommend his coaching to anyone who is committed to truth and living a life from freedom.

What Bodhi does almost makes traditional coaching obsolete.

Calvin Correli President & CEO, Creator of Simplero New York, New York

I have used many coaches over the years, but Bodhi is one that I return to because he is simply in a class of his own. My experience has been that a lot of coaches can help you get to your goals faster, only to have you realize that those goals didn't actually fulfill you or give you what you thought they would. What Bodhi does, is help me heal and clear out those things that prevent me from going where I truly need and want to go, in the simplest possible way. What Bodhi does almost makes traditional coaching obsolete.

I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father.

Christopher McAuliffe, Master Certified Coach President & CEO, Accomplishment Coaching Coach Training Company San Diego, California

Bodhi’s support goes beyond my stated projects and goals. Since working with him I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father. Bodhi is what coaching is all about. It seems like magic sometimes how he is able to hone in and focus on the exact thing that brings me more power, or more clarity, or returns my calm and centered focus. If you want to become a better version of yourself or to fulfill on what you think you can create – I recommend working with Bodhi.

Bodhi always leaves me feeling more empowered, more joyful, more truly accepting...

Helle Laursen Leading Mentor Coach and CEO, Nordic Center for Mindful Self-Compassion Silkeborg, Denmark

Working with Bodhi repeatedly over several years, I am constantly filled with deep gratitude after each session. Bodhi always leaves me feeling more empowered, more joyful, more truly accepting all parts of what I am, and with more energy to face life. Being a mentor coach myself, I have learned from Bodhi's amazing ability to give further depth to any issue within coaching. He is more than just a great coach, he is embodied wisdom, ready to share and give more meaning and depth to all matters I bring up. Bodhi takes coaching to a new level: it is healing, very practical, and supports my commitment to live my life from compassion and awareness.

I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life.

Violet Lehrer Owner, Clarity Path Coaching Carlsbad, California

Bodhi, I woke up flooded with gratitude for you today — your essence, your teaching, your energy, your sweet soft voice, your non-judgment. Your ability to have integrated that and not just teach it is inspiring to me. I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life. I’m thankful that the kids have learned the meaning of resistance and trigger.

I’m thankful for the hundred times I’ve heard your voice saying “the truth and essence of who we are is love” and that I can hear that voice in my head louder than the childhood “you’re not good enough”. I’ve thankful for the healing you’ve guided me on. I’m thankful that you have shown me (and Matt) the path to our hearts. I’m thankful for all the moments of freedom and joy that are in my life because I am not in resistance. You have made a profound difference in my life.

I forget Bodhi is at the other side of the planet – he is truly with me when we work together.

Lisbet Hjort Author, Awakening Mentor, Human Resources Manager Copenhagen, Denmark

There is a before and an after regarding my work with Bodhi. Before working with Bodhi for many years I experienced a life with a lot of struggle, pain and resistance, both in my private and my business life. Today I experience a life with joy, love and peace – even amidst the challenges of life. I’ve never actually been with him in person – but I sense his energy, his warmth and love in our work. I forget Bodhi is at the other side of the planet – he is truly with me when we work together.

Bodhi is a gift in the world – he can work on many levels which means that you can work and grow on many levels too. I will always be very grateful that we connected and I highly recommend Bodhi to everybody that really wants to live a life in freedom.

The synergy of his organizational expertise with his insight, clarity and awareness has brought the university to a new level.

Irv Katz, Ph.D., Chancellor International University of Professional Studies Maui, Hawaii

Bodhi's extraordinary talent of bringing clarity to our vision, goals, and processes has been of great benefit to the university. We’re more focused, more productive, and are in a much better position to serve our student population. The synergy of his organizational expertise with his insight, clarity and awareness has brought the university to a new level.

Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions!

Dorthe Schorn Staff & Training Manager Hamburg, Germany

Bodhi is an endless energy field of inspiration, purpose, clarity, truth, authenticity, compassion, joy, love and inner peace. The way he embodies and shares his profound wisdom of awakening is powerful and grounded, while gentle, light and constantly evolving. Bodhi is not only a teacher in the best possible sense of the word but a healer and “wise man” who can support you in tackling any personal or professional challenges.

One of his greatest talents is meeting you exactly where you’re at, and then gently guiding you from there. Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions! Working with him is a precious adventure and it has a tremendous impact on the way I show up and experience my working and private life.

Bodhi has been a guiding light for me, opening doors to my own hidden resources.

Paul Williams Author of "Das Energi", Founder of Crawdaddy Magazine Encinitas, California

Bodhi has been a guiding light for me, opening doors to my own hidden resources. I have found working with him to be a tremendously healing and awakening experience. I would unhesitatingly recommend Bodhi and his work to any friend in need. The truth is within us, but it is a joy and a great relief for me to have found a teacher who has been able to so quickly put me in touch with that inner truth and its liberating powers.

Bodhi comes to our work together from such a genuine place of warmth and compassion....

Lori Gordon School Readiness Specialist Mamaroneck, New York

Not only do I have a great coach, but he also happens to be my brother. And yes, it is amazing to have Bodhi as my brother. He comes to our work together from such a genuine place of warmth and compassion, and his insight and sense of humor really helps me to see more clearly.

One of the attributes that makes him such a good coach is illustrated by the fact that his being my brother apparently has no bearing on our sessions: I don’t get away with anything. When I’m not aware, it’s suggested that I become aware. When I am not allowing or am in resistance, it is suggested that I allow and notice that I’m in resistance.

There are times I feel like I haven’t gone very far down this path of awakening, but then I’ll have an interaction with my teenage son where I find myself allowing — being accepting of both his and my behaviors — and I realize just how far I have shifted. Even more amazing are the changes I notice in my son around how he approaches his challenges. It's clear that the changes in me are supporting changes in him.

All the ideas we talk about in sessions are coming together in ways that have transformed how I show up with family, friends, strangers...but mostly with myself.

Clearly, I’m proud of my brother and his work. It has always been a blessing having Bodhi as my brother, but that he can also serve as my coach is close to divine.

It was my sessions with Bodhi that helped me to heal my most self-destructive patterns.

Kirstin Nielsen Partner Relations Manager, Aarhus BSS Career Højbjerg, Denmark

Bodhi is a fantastic teacher and coach, and I’m so thankful for working with him. Though I’ve worked with coaches and therapists over the last 10 years, it was my sessions with Bodhi that helped me to heal my most self-destructive patterns. Now I feel very blessed that my life flows. Bodhi is a very warm and humorous person, and I always get amazing insights during our sessions.

As a coach I had primarily been using a very result-oriented model with a great number of people in Europe. After meeting Bodhi I learned to act from truth and I feel so much more present with my clients. As a result, my business has expanded naturally without any other effort than just being able to use what I’ve learned from Bodhi with my clients. He makes a great difference for so many people.

It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence.

Silja Bjorklund Quantum Energetics Practitioner, QE With Silja Encinitas, California

Working with Bodhi has brought me into a profoundly deep awareness of my true nature. It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence. His coaching to live this in my daily life is gentle, clear, and very effective.

Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart.

Monique Martineau Mindfulness Mentor & Wellness Coach Fenton, California

Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart. I learned ways of "being" that allow me to enjoy my life, heal my pain, and be peaceful during heated circumstances.I highly recommend Bodhi as a teacher of teachers.

I am learning to live with an open, positive heart thanks to Bodhi's wisdom and guidance.

Julie Sidur Insurance Professional Oceanside, California

Working with Bodhi on an individual basis is teaching me how to see the truth about my self-defeating ways and empowering me to deal with the toxic energy in me from as far back as my childhood. He is helping me break free from my negative, conditioned responses that I have had most my life. I am learning to be able to express myself more clearly from my authentic higher self. All I have ever wanted to do is to be able to connect with people.

Bodhi shows me how to do this through helping me to process what is really going on inside, seeing what is truly needed and proceeding from a grounded, secure place in my communication with people in my life. I am learning to live with an open, positive heart thanks to Bodhi's wisdom and guidance. For this I will be forever grateful to Bodhi.

With Bodhi’s help — help I know was absolutely key — we were able to win a great victory in our case.

Bennett M. Cohen Attorney-At-Law San Francisco, California

Full disclosure: I am Bodhi’s first cousin. We first started having regular coaching sessions in the fall of 2013, and as a result, I have become a far more effective litigating trial lawyer.

As an attorney, I encounter irrationality and adversity in the legal system on a daily basis. While in life, generally, we may feel that certain people around us are not very supportive or helpful, in the legal process, “undermining” behavior often appears to be the system’s very function.

In 2013, I contacted Bodhi because I knew intuitively that I needed help to succeed and even just survive. At that time, I was facing an extraordinarily challenging jury trial in which the opposition was employing resources and money that we could never even conceive of matching. Although the case had considerable promise, I was beset by doubts about my own ability to go to battle with such a formidable adversary and also felt a simmering rage over the adversary’s unending unethical and scorched earth tactics. It was at this point I began speaking with Bodhi about the stresses of litigation and trials — stresses that cause many attorneys to switch to another type of law or even find another profession.

Over time, Bodhi helped me understand with great clarity my own thought processes and how they were not serving me well. We began replacing my own “undermining” thought processes with a mindset that avoided catastrophic thinking, a mindset focusing on what I could do in the present rather than being focused on future outcomes, and a mindset that maximized my ability to use all of my physical and mental abilities free from interference by stress and self-defeating thinking. The problem, I came to appreciate on a very deep level, was not what my adversary was doing but rather my own attitudes toward what they were doing.

With Bodhi’s help — help I know was absolutely key — we were able to win a great victory in our case. In fact, this case appears to be the first jury verdict ever against this particularly predatory insurance company, an insurance company that, in the past, has been able to buy its way out of trouble. With Bodhi’s guidance, we took the far more challenging road of trying the case. Without doubt, this victory was the most important and gratifying one in my entire legal career.

I now feel much less tight and tense in difficult circumstances and am liberated from crippling thought processes that dominated before. I feel I have far more mental agility under pressure. I still sometimes encounter the old self-defeating thought processes — although far less than before. Now, however, I am far more aware of these thought processes when they surface, understand them so much better and am confident that I possess an effective skillset to stay on track, remain sharp mentally and be able to perform at my highest level.

Recent testimonials

  • Bodhi always leaves me feeling more empowered, more joyful, more truly accepting...

    Helle Laursen Leading Mentor Coach and CEO, Nordic Center for Mindful Self-Compassion Silkeborg, Denmark

    Working with Bodhi repeatedly over several years, I am constantly filled with deep gratitude after each session. Bodhi always leaves me feeling more empowered, more joyful, more truly accepting all parts of what I am, and with more energy to face life. Being a mentor coach myself, I have learned from Bodhi's amazing ability to give further depth to any issue within coaching. He is more than just a great coach, he is embodied wisdom, ready to share and give more meaning and depth to all matters I bring up. Bodhi takes coaching to a new level: it is healing, very practical, and supports my commitment to live my life from compassion and awareness.

  • I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father.

    Christopher McAuliffe, Master Certified Coach President & CEO, Accomplishment Coaching Coach Training Company San Diego, California

    Bodhi’s support goes beyond my stated projects and goals. Since working with him I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father. Bodhi is what coaching is all about. It seems like magic sometimes how he is able to hone in and focus on the exact thing that brings me more power, or more clarity, or returns my calm and centered focus. If you want to become a better version of yourself or to fulfill on what you think you can create – I recommend working with Bodhi.

  • Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions!

    Dorthe Schorn Staff & Training Manager Hamburg, Germany

    Bodhi is an endless energy field of inspiration, purpose, clarity, truth, authenticity, compassion, joy, love and inner peace. The way he embodies and shares his profound wisdom of awakening is powerful and grounded, while gentle, light and constantly evolving. Bodhi is not only a teacher in the best possible sense of the word but a healer and “wise man” who can support you in tackling any personal or professional challenges.

    One of his greatest talents is meeting you exactly where you’re at, and then gently guiding you from there. Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions! Working with him is a precious adventure and it has a tremendous impact on the way I show up and experience my working and private life.

  • I am learning to live with an open, positive heart thanks to Bodhi's wisdom and guidance.

    Julie Sidur Insurance Professional Oceanside, California

    Working with Bodhi on an individual basis is teaching me how to see the truth about my self-defeating ways and empowering me to deal with the toxic energy in me from as far back as my childhood. He is helping me break free from my negative, conditioned responses that I have had most my life. I am learning to be able to express myself more clearly from my authentic higher self. All I have ever wanted to do is to be able to connect with people.

    Bodhi shows me how to do this through helping me to process what is really going on inside, seeing what is truly needed and proceeding from a grounded, secure place in my communication with people in my life. I am learning to live with an open, positive heart thanks to Bodhi's wisdom and guidance. For this I will be forever grateful to Bodhi.

  • I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life.

    Violet Lehrer Owner, Clarity Path Coaching Carlsbad, California

    Bodhi, I woke up flooded with gratitude for you today — your essence, your teaching, your energy, your sweet soft voice, your non-judgment. Your ability to have integrated that and not just teach it is inspiring to me. I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life. I’m thankful that the kids have learned the meaning of resistance and trigger.

    I’m thankful for the hundred times I’ve heard your voice saying “the truth and essence of who we are is love” and that I can hear that voice in my head louder than the childhood “you’re not good enough”. I’ve thankful for the healing you’ve guided me on. I’m thankful that you have shown me (and Matt) the path to our hearts. I’m thankful for all the moments of freedom and joy that are in my life because I am not in resistance. You have made a profound difference in my life.

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