Inner Peace and Joy in a World of Chaos

May 15, 2017
6:00pm - 9:30pm
Ascendium, Hauptstraße 57, 24975 Hürup, Flensburg, Germany

Tickets are no longer available for this event

Photo of Ascendium in Flensburg, Germany

Our precious world is facing so many great challenges across all aspects of life on this planet. How will we respond? How would we like to respond? 

Bodhi will be doing a number of events throughout Germany to assist people in freeing themselves from getting caught up in fear, reacting to each and every crisis and the ever worsening antagonizing news.

He will guide us in ways we can very effectively approach life from a peaceful state of love and compassion, from the deep wellspring of awareness always present within us. 

Bodhi will also share how each of us can consciously respond to the current world situation from a wise, empowered and open-hearted state.

(Deutsche Übersetzung wird verfügbar sein.)

Photo of Flensburg, Germany

Highlights of the event will include:

—  Why operating from fear and attempting to dominate will never bring about positive change

—  How we can compassionately take responsibility for our own unconsciousness and contribution to "the mess"

—  Why awakening into reality — free of our conditioned interpretations of the world situation is so essential

—  Finding ways we can deeply reconnect with our hearts and allow ourselves to be moved by love

—  Discovering ways in which we can respond in a calm, wise, and powerful manner

 Exercises to assist in experiencing more love, peace and harmony in your life

Recent testimonials

  • Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique.

    Sofia Manning Best-Selling Author, Founder of Manning Inspire Copenhagen, Denmark

    I have met a lot of coaches and being a coach myself I have very high standards for what I think a great coach is. Bodhi is more than a great coach, he is a healer and teacher as well as a brilliant coach. Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with him and highly recommend his coaching to anyone who is committed to truth and living a life from freedom.

  • I am learning to live with an open, positive heart thanks to Bodhi's wisdom and guidance.

    Julie Sidur Insurance Professional Oceanside, California

    Working with Bodhi on an individual basis is teaching me how to see the truth about my self-defeating ways and empowering me to deal with the toxic energy in me from as far back as my childhood. He is helping me break free from my negative, conditioned responses that I have had most my life. I am learning to be able to express myself more clearly from my authentic higher self. All I have ever wanted to do is to be able to connect with people.

    Bodhi shows me how to do this through helping me to process what is really going on inside, seeing what is truly needed and proceeding from a grounded, secure place in my communication with people in my life. I am learning to live with an open, positive heart thanks to Bodhi's wisdom and guidance. For this I will be forever grateful to Bodhi.

  • What Bodhi does almost makes traditional coaching obsolete.

    Calvin Correli President & CEO, Creator of Simplero New York, New York

    I have used many coaches over the years, but Bodhi is one that I return to because he is simply in a class of his own. My experience has been that a lot of coaches can help you get to your goals faster, only to have you realize that those goals didn't actually fulfill you or give you what you thought they would. What Bodhi does, is help me heal and clear out those things that prevent me from going where I truly need and want to go, in the simplest possible way. What Bodhi does almost makes traditional coaching obsolete.

  • Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions!

    Dorthe Schorn Staff & Training Manager Hamburg, Germany

    Bodhi is an endless energy field of inspiration, purpose, clarity, truth, authenticity, compassion, joy, love and inner peace. The way he embodies and shares his profound wisdom of awakening is powerful and grounded, while gentle, light and constantly evolving. Bodhi is not only a teacher in the best possible sense of the word but a healer and “wise man” who can support you in tackling any personal or professional challenges.

    One of his greatest talents is meeting you exactly where you’re at, and then gently guiding you from there. Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions! Working with him is a precious adventure and it has a tremendous impact on the way I show up and experience my working and private life.

  • I forget Bodhi is at the other side of the planet – he is truly with me when we work together.

    Lisbet Hjort Author, Awakening Mentor, Human Resources Manager Copenhagen, Denmark

    There is a before and an after regarding my work with Bodhi. Before working with Bodhi for many years I experienced a life with a lot of struggle, pain and resistance, both in my private and my business life. Today I experience a life with joy, love and peace – even amidst the challenges of life. I’ve never actually been with him in person – but I sense his energy, his warmth and love in our work. I forget Bodhi is at the other side of the planet – he is truly with me when we work together.

    Bodhi is a gift in the world – he can work on many levels which means that you can work and grow on many levels too. I will always be very grateful that we connected and I highly recommend Bodhi to everybody that really wants to live a life in freedom.

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