Shine Brightly, Live Fully: Releasing the Shadow of Janteloven

May 31, 2017
6:30pm - 9:00pm
EmpowerHouse, Indiakaj 10, 2100 København Ø, Denmark

Tickets are no longer available for this event

A quote by Bodhi: A more enlightened Janteloven would  state that we are all equally worthy of  love, care, respect, food, water, shelter, peace and joy. All of us worthy, with  no person more worthy than another. It would acknowledge that we are all absolutely unique, special, deserving to be cherished, honored and encouraged to be the amazing, gifted, brilliant, talented, loveable, adorable beings that we are. Let your Pure Radiant Bright Light Shine!

I first learned about the cultural "Law of Jante" in March, 2004. I was amazed to hear about a country full of people so indoctrinated by the shadow of Janteloven that they do everything they can to make sure no one notices how special they are. And worse, people had been practicing that for so long that they had either forgotten that each of them ARE incredibly special, or suffer terribly from having to dim their beautiful light.

Each and every one of us is uniquely gifted. Like snowflakes, no two alike. By it's very definition, that makes each of us "special". But when we dim our radiance we betray ourselves, our children, and deprive the world of something unique, special, and essential. 

We need to uplevel the consciousness of Janteloven and release it's collective shadow.

A more enlightened Janteloven would state that we are all equally worth of love, care, respect, food, water, shelter, peace and joy. All of us worthy, with no person more worthy than another.

It would acknowledge that we are all absolutely unique, special, deserving to be cherished, honored and encouraged to be the amazing, gifted, brilliant, talented, loveable, adorable beings that we are.

It would encourage that we let the pure, radiant, bright light within each of us shine forth in the world.

In this event, we will work with setting you free of the shadow of Janteloven and the culture's negative judgment around "standing out", so that you can fully allow your radiant bright light to shine forth in all aspects of your life.

Recent testimonials

  • Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart.

    Monique Martineau Mindfulness Mentor & Wellness Coach Fenton, California

    Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart. I learned ways of "being" that allow me to enjoy my life, heal my pain, and be peaceful during heated circumstances.I highly recommend Bodhi as a teacher of teachers.

  • The synergy of his organizational expertise with his insight, clarity and awareness has brought the university to a new level.

    Irv Katz, Ph.D., Chancellor International University of Professional Studies Maui, Hawaii

    Bodhi's extraordinary talent of bringing clarity to our vision, goals, and processes has been of great benefit to the university. We’re more focused, more productive, and are in a much better position to serve our student population. The synergy of his organizational expertise with his insight, clarity and awareness has brought the university to a new level.

  • Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique.

    Sofia Manning Best-Selling Author, Founder of Manning Inspire Copenhagen, Denmark

    I have met a lot of coaches and being a coach myself I have very high standards for what I think a great coach is. Bodhi is more than a great coach, he is a healer and teacher as well as a brilliant coach. Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with him and highly recommend his coaching to anyone who is committed to truth and living a life from freedom.

  • I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father.

    Christopher McAuliffe, Master Certified Coach President & CEO, Accomplishment Coaching Coach Training Company San Diego, California

    Bodhi’s support goes beyond my stated projects and goals. Since working with him I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father. Bodhi is what coaching is all about. It seems like magic sometimes how he is able to hone in and focus on the exact thing that brings me more power, or more clarity, or returns my calm and centered focus. If you want to become a better version of yourself or to fulfill on what you think you can create – I recommend working with Bodhi.

  • Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions!

    Dorthe Schorn Staff & Training Manager Hamburg, Germany

    Bodhi is an endless energy field of inspiration, purpose, clarity, truth, authenticity, compassion, joy, love and inner peace. The way he embodies and shares his profound wisdom of awakening is powerful and grounded, while gentle, light and constantly evolving. Bodhi is not only a teacher in the best possible sense of the word but a healer and “wise man” who can support you in tackling any personal or professional challenges.

    One of his greatest talents is meeting you exactly where you’re at, and then gently guiding you from there. Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions! Working with him is a precious adventure and it has a tremendous impact on the way I show up and experience my working and private life.

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