From Ego to Essence: Flowing Creatively from the Core of Our Being

How can we better know our essence beyond our personal narratives and professional roles? Tune into your unique nature and the vibrant, ever-flowing, creative power within us all, waiting to be brought forth into our lives.


What is your true nature? What lies beneath the roles and labels that define us in society?

In this video, Bodhi and international teacher of self-compassion, Helle Laursen, share how we can connect with and better know the essence of who and what we are, beyond societal conditioning, personal narratives, and professional roles.

Bodhi shares about the vibrant, ever-flowing, and creative power that exists within us all — waiting to be brought forth into our lives.

Step into a journey of self-discovery of our true nature as Bodhi points us toward the profound essence of our beings.

And check out Helle Laursen's wonderful work at Nordic Compassion:

Would you like to be more present, feel more alive and connected, with a greater sense of inner peace?

It's my mission to support people in living and leading with greater ease, wisdom, and inner peace. To feel more deeply connected with those around them.

If you'd like to tap into your deeper insight and practical wisdom to live and lead more consciously, feel free to reach out at to set up a time to connect.

To see what others have to say about the work we do together, please check out the testimonials here. I look forward to connecting.

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Recent testimonials

  • It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence.

    Silja Bjorklund Quantum Energetics Practitioner, QE With Silja Encinitas, California

    Working with Bodhi has brought me into a profoundly deep awareness of my true nature. It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence. His coaching to live this in my daily life is gentle, clear, and very effective.

  • I am learning to live with an open, positive heart thanks to Bodhi's wisdom and guidance.

    Julie Sidur Insurance Professional Oceanside, California

    Working with Bodhi on an individual basis is teaching me how to see the truth about my self-defeating ways and empowering me to deal with the toxic energy in me from as far back as my childhood. He is helping me break free from my negative, conditioned responses that I have had most my life. I am learning to be able to express myself more clearly from my authentic higher self. All I have ever wanted to do is to be able to connect with people.

    Bodhi shows me how to do this through helping me to process what is really going on inside, seeing what is truly needed and proceeding from a grounded, secure place in my communication with people in my life. I am learning to live with an open, positive heart thanks to Bodhi's wisdom and guidance. For this I will be forever grateful to Bodhi.

  • Bodhi has been a guiding light for me, opening doors to my own hidden resources.

    Paul Williams Author of "Das Energi", Founder of Crawdaddy Magazine Encinitas, California

    Bodhi has been a guiding light for me, opening doors to my own hidden resources. I have found working with him to be a tremendously healing and awakening experience. I would unhesitatingly recommend Bodhi and his work to any friend in need. The truth is within us, but it is a joy and a great relief for me to have found a teacher who has been able to so quickly put me in touch with that inner truth and its liberating powers.

  • Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart.

    Monique Martineau Mindfulness Mentor & Wellness Coach Fenton, California

    Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart. I learned ways of "being" that allow me to enjoy my life, heal my pain, and be peaceful during heated circumstances.I highly recommend Bodhi as a teacher of teachers.

  • I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father.

    Christopher McAuliffe, Master Certified Coach President & CEO, Accomplishment Coaching Coach Training Company San Diego, California

    Bodhi’s support goes beyond my stated projects and goals. Since working with him I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father. Bodhi is what coaching is all about. It seems like magic sometimes how he is able to hone in and focus on the exact thing that brings me more power, or more clarity, or returns my calm and centered focus. If you want to become a better version of yourself or to fulfill on what you think you can create – I recommend working with Bodhi.

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