Waking Up to a Balanced, Free and Joyful Relationship with Food - With Marie Steenberger

August 29, 2019
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Soul Fitness, Skindergade 26, 1. sal, Copenhagen 1159, Denmark

Tickets are no longer available for this event

An image with this Bodhi quote: We naturally feel deeply. We may attempt to shield ourselves from feeling, but feeling is still taking place at some level. Have courage. Allow the feelings. Your reward is freedom.

We Can All Have A Joyful & Healthy Relationship With Food

Do you ever get caught up in pain driven emotional eating? Or compulsive overeating? Or unwisely choosing what you eat even when you know better? It’s a rare person who answers no to all of these questions as struggling with food issues touches just about all of our lives.

Most people will overeat and regret it later. Some of us will do this often and be really hard on ourselves afterwards, beating ourselves up. But why do we do this even though we know better?

At times, our overeating is driven by an attempt to soothe or avoid pain or other feelings we don’t want to face; sometimes it serves to avoid situations we fear; and for a lot of people it’s a way to cope with overwhelm in our lives.

Whether we’re taken over by that strong pull toward eating for comfort, or betraying our promise to only eat “just one”, the result of these behaviors is most often feeling worse and worse about ourselves. And that usually drives us to eat even more — a very painful cycle.

Here's What The Evening Will Be Like

In this tender and transformational evening with nutritionist and mentor Marie Steenberger and Bodhi Jeffreys, we’ll explore how to come back into a healthy, natural balance with food. We’ll discover ways in which we can free ourselves of the cycle of:

~~~ Eating or overeating to avoid pain and fear, which leads to…
~~~ Harsh self-judgement, which leads to more pain, resulting in…
~~~ More eating or overeating, which leads to…
~~~ Beating ourselves up and having lower self-esteem, a sense of helplessness, which impacts every area of our lives

During the evening we will work with:

  • Coming back into right relationship with food and with eating
  • Reconnecting with our deep inner wisdom and empowerment
  • Healing that which keeps the cycle of pain and unwise eating going
  • Returning to a joyful sense of ease around eating

Photo of Marie Steenberger at her TEDx talk in Copenhagen.

Join Marie and Bodhi in the peaceful environment at Soul Fitness in Copenhagen to move toward a healthy, wise, and joyful relationship with food.

Tickets are available at: https://bodhi.simplero.com/pur...

There may be video recording, primarily of the front area where Marie and Bodhi will sit. If you would prefer to not be filmed, please let the event team know upon your arrival and we will happily honor your request.

Recent testimonials

  • Bodhi has been a guiding light for me, opening doors to my own hidden resources.

    Paul Williams Author of "Das Energi", Founder of Crawdaddy Magazine Encinitas, California

    Bodhi has been a guiding light for me, opening doors to my own hidden resources. I have found working with him to be a tremendously healing and awakening experience. I would unhesitatingly recommend Bodhi and his work to any friend in need. The truth is within us, but it is a joy and a great relief for me to have found a teacher who has been able to so quickly put me in touch with that inner truth and its liberating powers.

  • Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart.

    Monique Martineau Mindfulness Mentor & Wellness Coach Fenton, California

    Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart. I learned ways of "being" that allow me to enjoy my life, heal my pain, and be peaceful during heated circumstances.I highly recommend Bodhi as a teacher of teachers.

  • Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique.

    Sofia Manning Best-Selling Author, Founder of Manning Inspire Copenhagen, Denmark

    I have met a lot of coaches and being a coach myself I have very high standards for what I think a great coach is. Bodhi is more than a great coach, he is a healer and teacher as well as a brilliant coach. Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with him and highly recommend his coaching to anyone who is committed to truth and living a life from freedom.

  • It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence.

    Silja Bjorklund Quantum Energetics Practitioner, QE With Silja Encinitas, California

    Working with Bodhi has brought me into a profoundly deep awareness of my true nature. It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence. His coaching to live this in my daily life is gentle, clear, and very effective.

  • It was my sessions with Bodhi that helped me to heal my most self-destructive patterns.

    Kirstin Nielsen Partner Relations Manager, Aarhus BSS Career Højbjerg, Denmark

    Bodhi is a fantastic teacher and coach, and I’m so thankful for working with him. Though I’ve worked with coaches and therapists over the last 10 years, it was my sessions with Bodhi that helped me to heal my most self-destructive patterns. Now I feel very blessed that my life flows. Bodhi is a very warm and humorous person, and I always get amazing insights during our sessions.

    As a coach I had primarily been using a very result-oriented model with a great number of people in Europe. After meeting Bodhi I learned to act from truth and I feel so much more present with my clients. As a result, my business has expanded naturally without any other effort than just being able to use what I’ve learned from Bodhi with my clients. He makes a great difference for so many people.

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